The Girl of the Open Road

General Coleman, his son and his nephew, were entertained at the luxurious mountain camp of Mme. Forresti. when one day, while on a mountain tramp, they came upon a gypsy camp just at the moment when Olive was entertaining her companions with the violin. Entranced with the fire of the girl's playing, Mme. Forresti insisted that the girl come to her camp that evening and play for her guests. At first, the gypsy girl refused, but finally relented and promised to come; this decision was particularly pleasing to Vance. That evening Laura Leslie, a young society woman, thoroughly infatuated with Vance Coleman, happened to intercept a glance passed between Olive and the young man. Her jealousy was immediately aroused to such an extent that when Olive appeared upon the scene she offered to loan her a dress more suitable to the occasion. This act delighted the vanity of the gypsy girl, but she soon found that the styles of to-day were not meant for her and instead of being made ridiculous in ... Written by Moving Picture World synopsis

" The Girl of the Open Road "