The Cub Reporter’s Temptation

The Police Department learns that certain criminals are in the city, and Spider, a stool pigeon, is sent out to make inquiry regarding their proposed operations. An "upstairs job" is planned and the crooks reach the top of a building by way of a fire-escape. Spider, who has joined the party, remains below, acting as lookout and officers arrive through prearranged plans. Several policemen ascend the fire-escape, while others wait below. All of the crooks are captured, except the one who has the custody of the loot, a package of money, and this is dropped down a chimney by the desperate man who is pursued over the house-tops and fears that he will he caught with the goods. The burglar is apprehended when he readies the alley and a search of the gang at headquarters proves futile. Bud Collins, who supports his sister, works as cub reporter on "The Star." While he sits at his fireplace, brooding over his meager salary, the package of money rolls to his feet and the young people regard it as a gift from heaven. The Police Department is in a quandary. The criminals have practically been caught in the act but even the third degree fails to develop the hiding place of the tool. The City Editor of "The Star" wishes a special article on the subject and as his best reporters are out on assignments, there is no one to send but Bud. Bud rushes home and tells his sister. He says that the money is theirs, but the sister finally induces him to return it. Bud therefore accomplishes a "scoop" for his paper and when the money is returned to the owner, the latter is impressed with Bud's honesty and offers him a promising position.

" The Cub Reporter’s Temptation "